Thursday 6 February 2014


So for character design we looked into Alice in Wonderland characters.

We decided for intertextuality we needed our main girl to have a costume similar but not the same as Alice.

(  - Date Accessed 01/02/2014)

If we take a look at the original Alice you can see that she is the personification of good. Her appearance is clean and neat. She wears bright colours and has the typical blonde natural hair. Her clothes are blue with a white apron.
        As our Alice isn't as clean cut so we're taking away the dress and long hair. Our Alice will be in her pyjamas but they will be of the same colour as Alice's dress. Her hair will be short and be a pink colour. This gives her a teenager/electro edge to match the conventions of the genre of the song.

TweedleDum and TweedleDee

Tweedledum and Tweedledum are the twin comedic characters in the book.
( Date Accessed 02/01/2014)

Within the lyrics of "ESRR" there is a verse which talks about cops being in the room. They instigate the "Eat Sleep Rave Repeat" sentence. So from this we have created two parts for two police officers who will be our Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

White Rabbit
( Date Accessed 06/02/2014)
The White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland (AiW) is the character who starts the story. He leads Alice into Wonderland and she follows him through the land. Our Rabbit will be the same as this. He will have a rabbit head but a human body. He will lead our Alice through the party and been seen as the "creator" of this dream.


We have created a character for a Cat to appear in the video. Like the Rabbit it will have a Cats head but human body. It will walk a Dog across the hallway and enter the party. This is a reflection on the "party" being upside down/ a different world. Traditionally dogs are seen as being higher on the hierarchy than cats so we've reversed that. Also in the lyrics it says "~And then his cat walked in, you know, not like a cat like a feeling cat, like a real, like you know, like, you know what im saying dog, like cats and dogs "
Which again holds to the cat imagery.

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